leo collected data to understand the relationship between the number of minutes minutes he exercises ina day and the number of hours he sleeps that night. using the data, he created the equation shown below to model the relationship. In the equation, Y represents the number of hours he sleeps at night, and X represents the number of minutes he exercises ina day Y=0.02x+6.5

leo collected data to understand the relationship between the number of minutes minutes he exercises ina day and the number of hours he sleeps that night using class=

Respuesta :

For this case we have the following equation:
 [tex]y= 0.02x + 6.5[/tex]
 x: number of minutes he exercises a day
 y: number of hours he sleeps at night
Substituting x = 0 We have: 
 [tex]y = 0.02(0) + 6.5 y = 0 + 6.5 y = 6.5 hours[/tex]
 Based on Leo's model he would sleep 6.5  hours at night if he exercises 0 minutes that day.