
Which type of cloud is most likely to produce precipitation?
a. nimbostratus
b. cirrus
c. altocumulus
d. cirrostratus?

Respuesta :

Nimbostratus clouds is your answer

When snow, rain or hail falls on the Earth surface from the clouds is called precipitation. The form of the precipitation depends on the temperature of the area.

The correct answer is:

Option a. Nimbostratus

This can be explained as:

  • The dark coloured amorphous clouds are called nimbostratus. Nimbo means rain forming while stratus means layer hence, rain-producing clouds.

  • Cirrus are the hair-like white coloured wispy clouds that are formed of ice crystals.

  • A globular roll or mass of clouds that accumulates or pile the water droplets is called alto cumulus.

  • The transparent high latitude clouds made up of ice crystals is called cirrostratus.

Therefore, nimbostratus is most likely to produce precipitation.

To learn more about different atmospheric clouds follow the link: