A well is a structure created to obtain water from deep in the geosphere. From which stage of the water cycle does the well obtain water?

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The water cycle is the permanent process of transforming water into nature, passing from one state to another (liquid, solid or gaseous).

This transformation and circulation of water is called the water cycle or hydrological cycle, which develops through the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration and transpiration.

The infiltration phase occurs after a rainfall (precipitation) occurs,  when condensed water vapor falls on the earth's surface, there is the infiltration of a part of this water that will feed the underground sheets.

Some of this water will be absolved by the roots of the plants, soon to be transpired or expelled through the leaves in the form of water vapor. Another portion of water will slowly move to underground aquifers, percolating through the soil to the bedrock. Eventually, generating the wells from which the groundwater can be extracted and used.