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Paragraph On Family: Family is one of the most crucial parts of a human’s life. A person is incomplete without the complete family. It plays an essential role in society. Humans are social being and thus needs companionship from others. Family makes the kids and children get to learn some of the important values and morals of life.
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Paragraph On Family – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids
In India, we give great importance to family. Also, the family educates the relationships and the qualities of children and kids. Indian morals and values are established in the joint family framework. Thus, the entire idea of nuclear family units doesn’t engage much in society. People always trust in taking everybody along and comprehend the importance of the family.
A house will turn into a home with a family, and a family is never done with two individuals. It also includes grandparents, kids, aunties, guardians, and uncles. The idea of family is imported from the west, and the more we are going under their impact, the more we are getting separated from our own Indian framework. It is about time that since we show our kids the importance of family values and influence them to understand it.