In "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", How does Arnold use his pictures to give us a better idea of his personality?

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Arnold Is A "Part-Time" Indian.

One of the major conflicts that Arnold faces in this book is between his part-time Indian Wellpinit self (Junior) and his Reardan self (Arnold):

Traveling between Reardan and Wellpinit, between the little white town and the reservation, I always felt like a stranger.

I was half Indian in one place and half white in the other.

It was like being Indian was my job, but it was only a part-time job. And it didn't pay well. (17.1-17.3)

On the reservation he is bullied and picked on, while at Reardan he earns respect and decides to break free of his old life. But he's still filled with guilt about leaving his hometown behind—at least until he realizes that he still has his buddy Rowdy's respect.