Though the Incas lacked wheeled tools and draft animals, their economy ... The expansion and stability of the Inca Empire was aided by ... b. the Aztec policy of swift d. the widespread use of ... They believed their chief god ... C. Aztec b. Anasazi d. Mayan. 11. Both Incas and Egyptians coincidentally shared beliefs ...
D) Human Sacrifices, they thought that for the good gods to keep the bad gods away they needed human sacrifices.
The Aztecs were the people of Central America with a rich culture, known as Mesoameric culture, that developed and was dominant in Mexico. The Aztecs were organized into cities-states (altepetl). The highest class were "pipiltin" or nobility, and this status was inherited. The second class was "macehualtin", originally peasants, later a lower working class. Aztecs religion was a ritual dedicated to the calendar cycle, dedicated to various deities and gods. It is a polytheistic, agricultural religion with elements of animism. The central place in religion was the offering of human sacrifices, as a sign of the gratitude of devotion to good gods. This would prolong the calendar cycles, as the Aztecs were under the protection of good gods and sheltered from the viewpoint of the bad gods.
The answer is D)