Answers explained with appropriate comments
1. seekp() //the seekp sets the position where the next character is to be //inserted into the output stream.
2. fstream //fstream is used for input and output for files
//just like iostream for input and output data
3. tellp(); //tellp returns the "put" or write position of the file.
4. ios::ate //ate meaning at the end, sets the file output at the file end
5. binary files //binary files only store 0s and 1s
6. seekg() //seekg is used to move write position of the file
7. put //this is used to "put" or set records or arrays to a single file
8. std::ws , skips //the std::ws is used to discard leading whitespace from an //input stream
9. peek //this looks at the next character in the input sequence
10. get, peak //get and peek do not skip leading whitespace characters