The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ultimately led to the creation of ______.

(A) super PACs.
(B) PACs.
(C) election reform.
(D) independent-expenditure-committees (IECs).
(E) the AARP.

Respuesta :

Answer:   Option (A) The above case led to creation of Super PACs.


.- In the case Citizens United V. Federal Election Commission ,2010 it was decided that government can not restrict the spending of  the corporation  and other groups for political campaigns. SuperPACs are also known as Independent Expenditure Only Committee .SuperPACs can collect or spend the amount on party they support or oppose but it can not be done directly as they can not donate directly to the parties or the candidates.

Moreover, this case ultimately led to the creation of SuperPACs which  allowed them to  collect or spend unlimited amount of money for the campaign and to the parties or candidates but not in a direct way.