¡Hola! Me llamo Mayelin y soy de Virginia. Este fin de semana voy a visitar a mi amiga Carolina y a conocer a su familia en Argentina. Voy a estar dos semanas en el país de Carolina. Esta noche voy a hacer mis maletas. Quiero llevar ropa y cámara para tomar muchas fotos. En diciembre en Virginia hace frío, pero en Argentina hace sol y calor porque es verano. En mi maleta voy a poner unos vestidos, mi traje de baño, mis chanclas, mis tenis y mis lentes de sol. Voy a empacar mis botas de agua, unos pantalones, un abrigo y un gorro porque va a nevar y llover. Carolina dice que vamos a visitar Buenos Aires, los Andes, y el parque de Iguazú. Voy a aprender más sobre Argentina por internet en la noche. Mis padres están un poco ansiosos, pero ¡yo estoy muy contenta! (1 point) Protagonista o protagonistas: Carolina and Mayelin; escenario: Andes; tema: The clothes needed Protagonista o protagonistas: Mayelin; escenario: her residence in Virginia; tema: preparation for a trip Protagonista o protagonistas: Mayelin; escenario: Argentina; tema: the importance of friendship Protagonista o protagonistas: Carolina and Mayelin; escenario: Buenos Aires; tema: The parents' feelings

Respuesta :




que la paces bien


The right option which summarizes the paragraph is:

  • Protagonista o protagonistas: Mayelin; escenario: her residence in Virginia; tema: preparation for a trip,


The translation of the paragraph is:

Hi! My name is Mayelin and I'm from Virginia. This weekend I will visit my friend Carolina and meet her family in Argentina. I will be two weeks in the country of Carolina. Tonight I will pack my bags. I want to bring clothes and camera to take many photos. In December in Virginia it is cold, but in Argentina it is sunny and hot because it is summer. In my suitcase I will put some dresses, my swimsuit, my flip flops, my tennis shoes and my sunglasses. I'm going to pack my water boots, pants, a coat and a hat because it's going to snow and rain. Carolina says we are going to visit Buenos Aires, the Andes, and the Iguazu Park. I will learn more about Argentina online at night. My parents are a little anxious, but I am very happy!

Within the options reference is made to three important points within the narration:

  1. The protagonist: As you can see, a woman named Mayelin is the one who tells the story, so she is the protagonist, although she talks about her friend named Carolina, she hardly appears in the text.
  2. The place where the narration occurs: Mayelin mentions that she is from Virginia and that she is going to get her bags ready, so it is assumed that she is at home in Virginia.
  3. The theme of the narration: Since the whole issue is about her trip to Argentina and everything she'll need there, the issue is the preparations for her trip.