Respuesta :
Cyclic AMP and calcium may be second messengers.
these are signalling molecules that are located inside the cells,They are releases when cells are in contact with signals from an extracellular molecule. the extracellular molecules that cause the chemical reaction in an external environment in the second messenger are called first messenger.
the basic mechanisms of second messenger involve the binding of ligands to the cell membrane receptors( usually a trans membrane protein).causing conformational change in the receptor protein. The latter change affect the structural and functional activities of the receptors protein with a consequent production of second messenger,
Response of the cells to the first messenger my cause different form of cellular reactions; the cells may undergo depolarization with influx of out flux of ions, differentiate to specialized cells or migrate to another location.
Examples of first messenger are hormones and neurotransmitters, while calcium ions, cyclic GMP,AMP, diaclyglycerol are examples of first messengers.
Most first messengers are peptide hormones.Some may be streroid, However, the hydrophilic nature of the peptide hormone restrict their movement, at the cell membranes. Therefore most first messengers made of peptide are first converted to second messenger to bring about their signalling effects.The usually mark the beginning of cascade events by second messengers.
Second messengers are usually classified based on their polarity and molecular form this include the
hydrophobic molecules ;diacyglecerol,phosphatdylinotisols. These diffuse through the membrane into intramembrane space of cells cause signalling effects in the cell.
the hydrophiliic molecules are located in the cystol of cells. Example are Cylic AMP. GMP, Calcium,
N02, CO,H2S are polar molecules that easily diffuse into the cells to cause signalling effects, they are the third Classification of second messengers.
Answer: Option B.
Cyclic AMP and calcium may be second messengers.
Second messengers are intracellular chemical molecule which is released by the cell when the extracellular signal molecule is exposed, it relay signals that it received from the receptors present on cell surface. Examples of Second messengers molecule include cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, calcium, inositol triphosphate and diacyclglycerol.
Cyclic Amp is responsible for ntracellular signal transduction and it regulate T cell during transcription.