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Learner's license expires after six months of the date of issue


The learner's license issued to make a person eligible to learn driving in a given time period. In India the learning license is valid for six months after the issuing date but the person have to apply for the driving license within the three months of the issued date. You can drive the vehicles listed in the learner's license document even after the three months of the issuing date. The process of obtaining a driving license have certain process

  • Go to the online web portal of your state driving license authority apply for the driving license and print the application form page from there.
  • Attach this application form and RED CROSS certificate with the file given by the R.T.O office  and submit this to them.
  • The authority will give you date, time and site of the driving test where you have to got there with your vehicle for the test.
  • If you passes the driving test your file will pass and you can take your driving license after some days from the R.T.O office.
Learners licence expires after 6 months of issue