
Us economy in world war 1. What conditions in America and the world explain the changes in workforce?

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During the First World War in the United States, industrial output increased by 25%, and the capacity of primary industrial engines - by 31%. During the war, in the USA, a number of new industries were created and developed. Crop harvest increased by 18.3%. US foreign trade during the war has tripled.

As a result of a significant increase in US coal production, world coal production reached the pre-war level by the end of the war. The growth of labor productivity in the United States was due to an increase in the number of machines used in coal mining.

The laws restricting immigration that came into force after the First World War sharply reduced the number of foreigners who could enter their permanent residence, until the end of the Second World War, strict quotas strictly limited entry to the United States, and the number of immigrants never even reached 100 thousand people. in year

At that time, approximately half of the population lived on farms or in small towns. Rural villages in the United States embodied the values ​​that were respected by the inhabitants of the country, and the myths taught by the younger generation. Big cities were mainly located in the east of the country.

Ten million people, who made up a third of the entire US workforce, worked on farms. Several million women also belonged to the workforce. 1.7 million women worked as office workers or typists. In 1917, the workforce was 42 million US residents. Over this year, more than a million accidents that led to injuries occurred in American factories and mines, and more than 25 thousand people died at workplaces. The law on the minimum wage has not yet been adopted at the federal level, and safety regulations were hardly observed.
