Chapter 15 of your textbook discusses conjugation and various reactions of 1,3-dienes. In CHE 321, we discussed various ways to make alkenes, but we did not discuss methodology for making dienes. Fortunately, we can apply some of our standard CHE 321 reactions to this important problem. Choose the major product (compound A) of the following reaction sequence.

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Dienes are alkenes that contain two carbon-carbon double bonds, so they have the same properties as these hydrocarbons.

In the attached file are the two reactions of dienes production.


Two ways to obtain dienes are as follows:

-Reaction of oxidative dehydrogenation of an alkane, is an exothermic process and occurs at lower temperatures, diene and water are formed, generating greater conversion at lower temperature levels.

-Dehydration of primary alcohols. The treatment of alcohols with acid at elevated temperatures produces dienes due to water loss. For example, heating ethanol in the presence of sulfuric acid produces ethene by the loss of a water molecule.