Respuesta :
It is very important for the organisation to implement maximum security to the infrastructure. The main data totally belongs to the customers which mainly has customers' personal information and bank details. So, here are few things that needs to be look at as a security expert:
Encryption: the implementation of encryption tool to encrypt the data especially passwords and card details of the customer will be help in securing the infrastructure. Encryption makes it hard for anyone to be able decrypt the actual data.
Firewall: This is the beginning stage of implementing security to an infrastructure. Firewall will help greatly in blocking traffic that are unwanted from entering into the infrastructure. This also blocks untrusted traffic to the application server too.
SSL certificate: Implementation of SSL certificate to the website or the application will help greatly in securing and protecting the application for you against online hackers.
Every device belongs to your system must be implemented with anti-malware softwares that can able to detect malware present in the system.