A MySetOperations is a collection of functions, on which the following set operations are defined:
myIsEmpty(A): Returns T if the set A is empty (A = Φ), F otherwise.
myDisjoint(A,B): Returns T if intersection of the set A and set B is non-empty
(A â© B â  Î¦), F otherwise.
myIntersection(A,B): Returns the intersection of the set A and set B (A â© B).
myUnion(A,B): Returns the union of the set A and set B (A ⪠B).
Write a collection of MySetOperations in Python.
Note: For this problem, you can use only the standard flow Python's instructions and the set build-in operations: len, in, not in, and add.

Respuesta :



The objective here is to write a collection of MySetOperations in Python.

During the process of  submitting this answer after computing the program ; I keep getting a response message that goes thus "It appears that your answer contains either a link or inappropriate words. Please correct and submit again!"  . In the bid to curb such dilemma , i have created a word document for the collection of MySetOperations in Python.

The document can be seen in the attached file below.

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