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While all three of these could spark an interest n politics, the best way is to find a need in the community, the more you involve yourself with your surroundings, the more you will develop an interest and care. Although most people regard voting to be really the only way one can involve themselves in politics. Even if you are not old enough to vote in elections, teenagers can always volunteer their services at polling stations, which helps your community, submerges you in the world of politics, and is just as honorable an act as voting is. Reading the news, going to school, and talking to your parents will begin a knowledge and an interest in you, but the best way to make an impact on the world and make your voice and ideas known is to get out there, and get started, no matter how small. Whether you’re taking a quick costumer service survey or running for the president of the United States, or whether you are helping an elderly citizen across the street or running an entire soup kitchen, every citizen in our community counts, every soul is priceless and important in our world, and it starts with one small act.