Based on the passage, the reader can infer that some
Haida families lived in homes that
Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men
The Beginnings of the Haida."
Raven crept into the chief's dwelling. He appeared as a
baby, with raven hair and black eyes. The chief's
daughter adopted the child, never knowing that he was in
fact Raven the trickster.
were large
O were small
O had windows
O had fireplaces
The daughter loved the child, but soon the baby began to
cry. The Sky Chief did whatever he could to comfort his
new grandson, but the baby was inconsolable. Finally, to
appease the child, he gave him a small box to play with
Raven, as the baby, tumbled and tossed the box until it
fell open Whoosh! The stars flew up through the smoke
hole in the ceiling, settling in the night sky.
The chief was very upset, but was able to recover, as
they were only stars and not very luminous

Respuesta :


D. Fireplace


It would be fireplace because it said "Smoke coming out of a hole in the ceiling" :))