
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME URGENTLY!!!!!!!!! 2) Choose the adjectives in the following sentence. In this case, do not count the articles a, an, and the. The number in the parentheses indicates how many adjectives the sentence contains. The monstrous shuttle pitched forward slightly, then rocked back. (1) monstrous rocked The forward pitched slightly back shuttle then 3) Choose the adjectives in the following sentence. In this case, do not count the articles a, an, and the. The number in the parentheses indicates how many adjectives the sentence contains. Over seven million pounds of thrust pushed the anxious men upward. (2) pounds pushed of Over anxious seven million upward the men thrust 4) Choose the adjectives in the following sentence. In this case, do not count the articles a, an, and the. The number in the parentheses indicates how many adjectives the sentence contains. The solid-rocket booster engines lit, and the shaking roar told the astronauts they were entering outer space. (4) roar shaking entering told engines astronauts the lit were space they the The solid-rocket booster and outer

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Answer and Explanation:

As we know, an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun by attributing a quality to it. Let's focus on each sentence at a time:

- The monstrous shuttle pitched forward slightly, then rocked back. --> According to the number in parentheses, we only have one adjective here. In that case, it can only be monstrous, indicating the quality of the shuttle, its appearance.

- Over seven million pounds of thrust pushed the anxious men upward. --> According to the number in parentheses, we have two adjectives here. Numbers are usually adjectives. In this case, the number we have is seven million, and it is modifying the noun "pounds". Besides that, anxious is also an adjective, modifying the noun "men".

- The solid-rocket booster engines lit, and the shaking roar told the astronauts they were entering outer space. --> Now, we are supposed to have four adjectives in the sentence. The noun "engines" is being modified by two adjectives: first by solid-rocket, then by booster. The next adjective is shaking, modifying the noun "roar". Finally, we have outer, modifying the noun "space".