
Read the excerpt from a short story. "The young docent welcomed the class to the museum, explaining that the east wing was under construction and he’d be leading them to the first exhibit. His fingers leapt to his name tag as he nervously introduced himself as “Liam, a student of the arts.” Then he bade the group follow him. They traversed a vaulted hall lined with hulking objects, each one obscured by a faded tarpaulin. Some of the items stretched across the floor, others cast long shadows on the museum walls."
What technique does the author use to build suspense in the excerpt?
A. darkening the word choice
B. quickening the pace of the story
C. intentionally omitting setting details
D. making the outcome of events uncertain

Respuesta :

Answer: C. intentionally omitting setting details


The author of the work this extract is from is deliberately omitting details about the setting of the tour by simply writing that they are to follow the young docent.

All we know as the readers, is that they are following him across a hall. We do not even know what wing they are in. This build suspense because the reader will be unable to guess what might happen next based on which part of the museum they are in.


C. I got a 100 on the quiz
