Respuesta :


I’m very selfish. I don’t see it as that big of a problem, but sometimes I can annoy people by putting myself first. However, it has served me well.

I’m lazy. If I don’t feel like doing it, I won’t, unless it will impact me negatively. I’m willing to get up at 6 am to work every day because it benefits me. If it didn’t, I’d never do it. I like to see how little I can get away with until something starts to fail - one might say I like to know where the boundaries are.

I’m very proud. This means that if you try to manipulate me into doing something regardless of how it fits in with what I want, I’m very likely to do the opposite thing. For instance, my dad forced me to learn to ride the bike, so I could get him food from the store. The result? I didn’t touch a bike out of spite for four years. You might think this is bad for me, but you see, by the age of 16, I had never ridden a bike nor felt the need for one. My partner is using a different tactic to get me to get a driver’s license - he wants to drive around Europe, which we can’t do if he is the only driver. It is in my interest to do it because him being happy and satisfied is in my best interest. I care about how he feels. My dad still hasn’t learned the fact that I would sooner keep you from gloating at having taught me something than learn it for my own benefit, especially if I don’t really need to.

I don’t see this as a limitation, but I have a certain disregard for social convention and tradition, while still respecting some aspects of it. For instance, I believe marriage is utterly pointless, because I already am in a loyal and respecting partnered relationship that contains everything apart from a signed document and registration in state archives. I wear skate shoes to formal events because they cost as much as high heels do - by historical standards, your most expensive clothing is your best formal clothing as in that respect, I am wearing formal shoes. I hope you can follow.

I’m very, very, very hard-headed. It is very difficult to convince or persuade me unless you have ample evidence. No evidence, no results. This has lead to multiple arguments with both of my parents who are equally hard-headed..

I’m somewhat gullible if you catch me off guard. It annoys me. I’m a very sincere person and sometimes I don’t think.