Hello. Can someone help with A.ge of Exploration questions? It doesn't matter to me how many you answer anything counts. Make sure with your answer you include which # you are answering, that would really help! LOL! Stay safe. CO.VID-19 IS REAL!!! This could mean your life!

1. How did the Renaissance contribute to the Europe.an A.ge of Exploration?
2. How did the Ottoman conquest of the Byzantine Empire encourage exploration?
3. Why did monarchs encourage exploration?
4. What historical events increased the E.uropean appetite for goods from Asia? Why?
5. What technological advances encouraged exploration? Why?
6. How did exploration affect the world’s cultu.res?
7. Why did Span,ish monarchs encourage exploration?
8. Why did Columbus travel west?
9. How did Spain and Portugal agree to divide the world?
10. Which was a result of the Commercial Revolution?
(a) decline in population growth in Europe
(b) shift of power from Western Europe to Eastern Europe
(c) spread of feudalism throughout Western Europe
(d) expansion of European influence overseas
11. Which was an immediate result of the European A.ge of Exploration?
(a) Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia
(b) European influence spread to the Western hemisphere
(c) independence movements developed in Asia and Africa
(d) military dictatorships were established throughout Europe
12. A major result of the A.ge of Exploration was...
(a) a long peri.od of peace and prospe.rity for the nations of Western Europe
(b) extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe and
(c) the fall of European national monarchies and the end of the power of the
Catholic Church
(d) the end of regional isolation and the beginning of a p.eriod of European
global domination
13. The Commercial Revolution in Western Europe led directly to the...
(a) development of a socialist economy
(b) establishment of the Guild System
(c) weakening of the power of the middle class
(d) expansion of world trade
14. Which of these events during the A.ge of Exploration was a cause of the other three?
(a) Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another
(b) Eu.ropean dise.ases had an adverse effect on the native populations of
new territories
(c) warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power
(d) advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible
15. In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the dea.ths of large numbers of the native people led to...
(a) a decline in Spanish immigration to the Americas
(b) the removal of most Spanish troops from the Americas
(c) the importation of sla.ves from Africa
(d) improved health care in the colonies

-have a wonderful day