02.10 Kick It Up a Notch Assignment

please help

You will revise one body paragraph from your informational article and write a reflection paragraph in which you explain the revisions you made.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

Choose one body paragraph from your informational article to revise.

Copy this paragraph into a new document.

Review your paragraph for coherence. Make sure you have a topic sentence and supporting ideas for this topic.

Combine two or more sentences in your paragraph for varied syntax.

Review your paragraph for correct English language conventions. Correct any errors.

Write a short reflection paragraph on the revisions you made, describing the changes you made and how these changes improved your writing.

In one document, submit:

the original paragraph

the revised paragraph

the reflection on the changes you have made

Save your work to your computer or drive.

Submit your work in 02.10 Kick It Up a Notch.

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(my paragraph)

The jellyfish are overpopulating our oceans. Some species of jellyfish can release up to 40,000 eggs daily! That is how swarms turn into blooms. When jellyfish numbers are out of control, that’s when they are called blooms. According to the Columbia University website,” Jellyfish blooms disrupt the fishing industry by tearing nets and harming fish. Smaller jellyfish or jellyfish tentacles can enter aquaculture pens and suffocate the fish surrounding the jellyfish. Jellyfish sting swimmers, discouraging tourism. They clog cooling water intakes at power plants, causing power reductions or shutdowns.” These are some bad problems that need solutions.