Word Parts
1. ann, enn
annual, bicentennial
a. In a certain manner
2. audi, audio-
audible, auditorium
b. Feeling, suffering
3. cycl, cyclo-
motorcycle, cyclone
c. Circle
4. -hood
adulthood, womanhood
d. To hang
5. hyper
hypersensitive, hypermarket
c. Year
6, ly
easily, proudly
1. Four, fourth
7. non-
nontoxic, nonfiction
& State, condition
8. path, -pathy
empathic, telepathy
h. Not; the opposite of
9. pend
suspend, pendulum
i. Hearing, sound
10. quart, quadr.
quarter, quadruple
j. More than normal; overly
Using the answer line provided, complete each italicized word in the sentences below with the correct word
part from the box. Not every word part will be used,