Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy for most human uses. Electrical energy is easy use and move from one location to another, but it is almost impossible to store in any large quantity. It can be used for running computers and most appliances, home heating, and even transportation.
ELECTRICITYis used by industry, households, and businesses—accounting for 18% of end use energy worldwide.
Electrical energy is very convenient, and as a result more and more of the energy used by a high energy society is in the form of electricity, see figure 1. The rate of electrical energy use is growing faster than the rate of electricity use, see figure 2.
Electrical energy is used throughout the world to power devices, appliances and methods of transportation utilized in daily life. To make things operate, electrical energy must be emitted from energy sources such as power plants, to enable an object to consume the power it needs to function.