Tarea: ¿Cuáles son los sentimientos de Bécquer sobre el amor, específicamente su amor hacia la mujer a quien está dirigiéndose? También, habla del simbolismo de las golondrinas (swallows) en el poema.
Your response needs to be at least 30 seconds in length.
You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) pronunciation.

This is what I answered and got an A on edge :) hope it helps!!! (Also if anyone knows how to gain points faster lmk cuz I'm running out from posting answers like this!)

Creo que el poeta está tratando de decir que el amor va y viene. También podría transmitir que el matrimonio puede cambiar el amor de alguien por una persona. Un ejemplo de esto es cómo el amor juvenil se asocia con el amor apasionado y lujurioso, mientras que el amor viejo es visto como compromiso. Esto se muestra cuando Gustavo dice, “como yo te he querido…,desengáñate, ¡así no te querrán!” Habla de la madreselva y el significado de la flor representa las llamas del amor, y la ternura por el amor que se ha perdido. Esta idea se muestra a lo largo del poema. La golondrina aparece a lo largo del poema y por lo general me asocie con el amor, la lealtad y la paz


Translation: I believe the poet is trying to say is that love comes and goes. He could also convey that marriage can change someone’s love for a person. An example of this is how youth love is associated with passionate, lustful love while old love is seen as commitment. This is shown when Gustavo says, “As I have loved you dear...be not deluded, love like this … will not return!” He talks about honeysuckle and the meaning of the flower represents the flames of love, and the tenderness for love that has been lost. This idea is shown throughout the poem. The swallow shows up throughout the poem and I usually associated with love, loyalty and peace

Respuesta :

That is so kind of you! Wasting your points to help people with things you were successful in instead of earning points for yourself is beautiful!

Also, your response was amazing, excellent use of words in Spanish!

If you want to get points faster I would recommend you searching for questions that can give you more points. Sometimes, people are running out of time and give more points to get faster answers. If you are good in Spanish you should answer question in Spanish, there are people who ask easy question because they are just learning and they give more points to get faster answers.
Hope that helps!

These are Bécquer's feelings towards love according to his poem:

El poema "Volverán las oscuras golondrinas" de Bécquer habla sobre un amor que ya no es como era. El autor describe continuamente situaciones que suceden ahora que él y la mujer a la que le escribe no están juntos y además, describe cómo era ese amor antes, lo que producía.

Bécquer usa el simbolismo de las golondrinas porque representar el amor, especialmente un amor que dura para siempre, porque a pesar de que no están juntos, él sigue amándola y, como expresa al final del poema casi arrogantemente, según él nadie la querrá de igual manera, como una golondrina.

Who is the author of the poem Gustavo Bécquer?

Gustavo Bécquer is a very well-known Spanish poet. His poetry was part of the Romanticism movement and he was born in 1836 in Sevilla, Spain.

The poem you had to read to complete the exercise, "Volverán las oscuras golondrinas", is one of his most famous poems, as well as ''Rimas y leyendas'', which is a collection of his poems.

Check more information about poetry here https://brainly.com/question/19987784