
BJU press The American Republic chapter 6 activity 1: Map Study: The war of independence instructions: Refer to the maps in the textbook to complete the following two maps in this activity.
1. Label these bodies of water: Lake champlain, Hudson River, Delaware River.
2. Label these locations (black dots): Valley Forge, Albany, Boston.
3. Label these battle sites ( red dots for British victories and blue for colonial victories): Bunker Hill, Montreal, Guebec, Saratoga, Harlem Heights, Monmouth, Trenton, Brandywine.
4. Using a colored pencile, draw a line to connect the battle sitesof the northern campaigns (1775-78) in the order the events occured. draw an arrow at the end of the line. (Hint: Begin with Bunker Hill and end with the evacuation of Boston.) Using another color, connect the sites of the middle campaigns (1776-78).