Associate these compromises made in the Constitution- large state/small state, 3/5 Compromise, Electoral College-
with their historic or present-day consequences. Were they worth it? Why or why not?

Respuesta :


The Electoral College system has led to controversy. In both the election of 2000 and the election of 2016, one candidate won the popular vote, but the other candidate won the Electoral College and therefore the presidency. Critics charge that in this system, a small group of representatives decides the presidency, rather than the entire population of the United States, and that states with smaller populations have a disproportionate say in who becomes president.


The Articles of Confederation required all thirteen states to agree to an amendment in order to make any changes. Article V of the Constitution requires two-thirds of Congress or state legislatures to propose an amendment, and three-quarters of the states to ratify it. That's still tough, but it's not impossible like it was under the Articles!