What do Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have that Slytherin and Hufflepuff do not?

My first is in castle and in forest too,
My second’s in portkey and also in Floo.
My third’s twice in werewolf and once in Welsh Green,
My fourth is in leech juice and also bat spleen.
My fifth is in every Quidditch position.
And now you are ready to start on your mission!

Respuesta :

The major differences between the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff are:

  • The Gryffindors are brave and courageous
  • The Hufflepuffs are loyal and faithful
  • The Ravenclaws are intelligent
  • The Slytherins are clever and cunning

What is a Hogwart House?

This refers to the division of houses in Hogwarts in the popular book series Harry Potter which compete for the House Cup at the end of the school year based on a variety of tasks.

Please note that your answer choices are very confusing so I gave you a general overview of the Hogwarts.

Read more about Hogwarts here: