
Which of these caused the United States to become involved in World War I? A) the German invasion of Poland B) repeated violation of treaties by Japan C) enemy bombing of American military bases D) threats to American security made by Germany

Respuesta :

The answer is D the U.S. Felt threatened by the Germans and went to war to help England and france

The right answer is D) threats to American security made by Germany.

Most Americans supported the Triple Entente or Allied Powers, at the outbreak of World War I. The, Wilson administration declared the nation neutral but allowed businesses to extend credit to the Allies to purchase food and military supplies. Americans were outraged by the Germans’ use of unlimited submarine warfare, especially after the 1915 sinking of the British liner Lusitania. In 1917 unrestricted submarine activity and the revelation of the Zimmermann telegram, in which the Germans sought to incite the Mexicans to wage war against the United States, led the United States to enter the Great War.