
Both supporters and opponents of the league hoped to preserve peace. What did each group propose as a means to secure peace for the United states

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The answer to this question is "League of Nations", to tighten international relations, both supports and opponents of the league hoped to preserve peace since for them each group should secure peace for the United States. The nations voted in the League of the Nations in the United States and promoting peaceful relationship to one another.

Answer: Both supporters and opposers of the league wanted to ensure peace. Supporters believed that it would allow a new way for conflict/ opposition to be addressed through an international worm where disagreements would be settled civilly rather than violently. Whereas opposers of the league doubted that conflict would be resolved civilly and instead they believed that by joining the League the US would become a major interventionist and get dragged into wars therefore the best way for securing peace for the United States itself would be to distance itself from the league and foreign conflict.