
It was because she had broken with Billy that Loretta had come visiting to Santa Clara. Billy could not understand.

His sister had reported that he had walked the floor and cried all night. Loretta had not slept all night either, while she had wept most of the night. Daisy knew this, because it was in her arms that the weeping had been done. And Daisy's husband, Captain Kitt, knew, too. The tears of Loretta, and the comforting by Daisy, had lost him some sleep.

Now Captain Kitt did not like to lose sleep. Neither did he want Loretta to marry Billy—nor anybody else. It was Captain Kitt's belief that Daisy needed the help of her younger sister in the household. But he did not say this aloud. Instead, he always insisted that Loretta was too young to think of marriage. So it was Captain Kitt's idea that Loretta should be packed off on a visit to Mrs. Hemingway. There wouldn't be any Billy there.

Which point of view is used in this excerpt?

Respuesta :

This is written in third person. No one is speaking in direct quotes.

The point of view that is used in the excerpt is third person narrative.

This is because, the narrator keeps referring to the characters as "he", "she", or "they". He talked about Loretta, Billy and their relationship with each other and the events that occured during Loretta's visit to Santa Clara.

There are three major types of third person narration . They are:

  • Omniscient
  • Limited
  • Objective

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