[1] Across the world in early summer, as daylight turns to dusk, fireflies begin displaying their signature glow in search of a mate. [2] Fireflies typically appear in temperate zones and tropical areas, thriving in warm, humid climates. [3] Most species can be seen in open fields or forest edges near standing water. [4] While some firefly larvae live in the water—even boasting gills—others live almost entirely on the ground and in trees. [5] The firefly undergoes four stages of metamorphosis to complete its life cycle: egg, larva, pupil, and adult. [6] While larvae typically live for about a year underground before reaching adulthood, adult fireflies have a relatively short lifespan. [7] Emerging from their pupal cases, adult fireflies live for only about two months, just long enough to mate and lay eggs.

Question 1 of 3
The writer would like to divide this paragraph into two in order to signal the shift in focus from fireflies’ habitats to their life cycle. To accomplish this goal, the best place to start the new paragraph would be at the beginning of Sentence:





Respuesta :

The best place to start the new paragraph to signal the shift in focus from fireflies’ habitats to their life cycle would be at the beginning of Sentence 5: “The firefly undergoes four stages of metamorphosis to complete its life cycle: egg, larva, pupil, and adult.”

To divide the paragraph into two sections, we need to determine the best place to start the new paragraph, signaling a shift in focus from fireflies' habitats to their life cycle:

Given the content of the paragraph, the most suitable place to start the new paragraph would be at the beginning of Sentence:

5. "The firefly undergoes four stages of metamorphosis to complete its life cycle: egg, larva, pupil, and adult."

Starting the new paragraph here allows for a clear transition from discussing fireflies' habitats to delving into the details of their life cycle. It marks a shift in focus from where fireflies live to how they develop and progress through their life stages. This division helps maintain coherence and clarity in the text, guiding the reader through different aspects of firefly biology.