Lee la lectura y busca el verbo negrito en el mandato equivocado. Escribe el verbo en la forma correcta del mandato. Read the story and find the verb in bold in the incorrect command form. Fill in the blank with the corrected command form.

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Hijos, *acuéstense. Antes de acostarse, *pónganse los pijamas y lean un poco. No se *olvide de cepillarse los dientes. No *se hablen cuando se acuestan en la cama. Buenas noches.
( The words with * is the bold)

Respuesta :

If I'm interpreting the instructions correctly, the incorrect verb is 'olvide' that correct form of the verb is 'olviden'


Hijos, (1)acuéstense. Antes de acostarse, (2)pónganse los pijamas y lean un poco. No se (3)olvide de cepillarse los dientes. No (4)se hablen cuando se acuestan en la cama. Buenas noches.

The verb in bold in the incorrect command form is (3)olvide

The correct command form is Olviden


In this activity we have to read the text and find the verb in bold in the incorrect command form, and replace it for the correct one.

In the text, a father is giving commands to his children. To give commands in Spanish we use the Imperative mood, therefore we have to conjugate the verbs in this mood. Additionally, the verbs are reciprocal, for actions people do to each other, and are formed by combining a verb and a reciprocal pronoun. In this case, the reciprocal pronoun is "se, so in affirmative statements we simply add the pronoun "se" at the end of the conjugated verb. i.e. Acuesten+se. And in negative statements, the pronoun "se" is used before the verb. I.e. No se hablen

Since the father is talking to his Children, we must conjugate the verbs in 2nd person PLURAL Ustedes (you plural). The conjugation of the verb  olvidar (to forget) in Imperative mood, 2nd person plural Ustedes is "olviden"