Farmers in both the Mayan and ancient Egyptian civilizations...

A. Existed during The same time periods

B. Grew the same types of crops

C. Made up most of the population

D. Did not pay taxes to the government

Respuesta :


A. Existed during The same time periods


Agriculture has been the basis of the Mayan economy since pre-Columbian times and corn is its main crop. The Maya also grew cotton, beans (beans or beans), sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), cassava and cocoa. The techniques of spinning, dyeing and weaving achieved a high degree of perfection. As a unit of change, cocoa beans and copper bells were used, material that was also used for ornamental works, as well as gold, silver, jade, sea shells and colored feathers.

Egyptian agriculture was linked to the flood of the Nile and the silt deposited on the ground, turning it into a green and fertile mantle. They mainly grew cereals (barley, wheat), legumes and vegetables (leeks, lettuce, onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, beans, chickpeas) and fruits (melons, grapes, dates, figs). Some invading people brought new species such as apples, olives and pomegranates. In addition, pears, peaches, cherries and almonds appeared during the time of the Greek pharaohs. To make fabrics and ropes, the farmers also cultivated the linen.


The answer is A.
