Identify the part of speech of the uderlined word whithout we cant start the party.
a. adverb
b. verb
c. preposition
d. adjective

Respuesta :


Noun is a word that displays anything that is a person, place or event.

Example: The dog (noun) is walking.

Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or substitutes it.

Example: Carla was talking when she(nominative pronoun) dropped her(possessive pronoun) bag.

Verb is an action word.

Example: The dog is walking (verb).

Adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Example: The red (adj) huge (adj) plane is flying on the air. 

Adverb is a word that modifies noun, pronoun, verb, adjective or an adverb itself.

Example: He always (adv) wakes up in the morning at 5 AM sharp.

Preposition is a word that describes the position of an object or subject in the sentence. 

Example. The book is under(pre.) the table.

Conjunction is a word that connects two nouns, sentences, phrases or clauses.

Example: Marlene and(conj) her friend, August took a walk to school yesterday morning. 

Interjection is a word that is used to express emotion or feeling in the statement or sentence.

Example: Ugh! My homework isn't done yet.
Argh! I hate doing this. 
You look nice, wow!