​Select an issue that Sub-Saharan Africa will likely have to deal with in its future.

Use the Problem/Solution Frame to analyze solutions for the problem you selected. (Your coursework, the internet, and other resources can help you find solutions and evaluate them.)

Based on your analysis, select the best solution.

Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Problem/Solution Frame
What is the problem?
What is a possible solution?
What is another possible solution?
What are the likely results of the first solution?
What are the likely results of the second solution? (If you have come up with more than two solutions, analyze these, too.)

What is the best solution?
Why did you choose the solution you did?

Respuesta :

I can give you some issues they might face. War, disease, famine, drought and civil war. Any of these should work but you'll probably have to put the rest of the answer in your own framework. Hope I could help


The problem is: Africa population will be very high (high population density) leading to difficulty of the governments to feed their population hence making it unsustainable.

Solution 1: promote family planning methods through intense advertisement

Solution 2: increase literacy rates of the population by increasing education facilities and the quality of education.

Likely results of solution 1: the most common form of family planning method that will be used will be contraceptives. This will eventually reduce the population growth rate, directly.

Likely results of solution 2: Research has shown that educated/ literate couples are inclined to have smaller families which they can financially cater for. This, therefore, will gradually and indirectly lead to reduced growth rates in the pollution.

The best solution is Solution 2 because it kills two bird with one stone. It increases literacy levels in the pollution while also indirectly promoting reduce population growth. Solution 1 may not be as effective because African culture may not allow most to use contraception as a means of family planning.