The Puritans believed in a pure and austere life. They did not approve of many of the leisure activities of their time, such as maypole celebrations and bearbaiting. To appease the Puritans, James I and Charles I both made written declarations to specify what activities people could or could not partake in on Sundays and other holy days. This declaration came to be known as the Book of Sports. Read part of the text by Charles I. Then write a short paragraph describing what it reveals about the religious issues of the time and the role of the Anglican Church in the lives of the English people.

Respuesta :

This text from the Book of Sports by Charles I shows that the government of this time had a direct hand in deciding which activities were appropriate for people's moral development and which were not. The text also includes requirements for attending church and punishments for breaking these laws, indicating that attendance there was mandatory. Some activities are deemed lawful because they are harmless, while others are unlawful. The phrase "according to their old custom" suggests that various forms of entertainment developed before the Catholic or Anglican Church had as much control over people's daily lives (so maypoles, for example, might have pagan origins). The phrase also suggests that the English government has considered banning those activities as well but is currently labeling them as harmless and lawful. Still, those activities are only approved if they don't interfere with attending church services, so some are allowed only after church on Sundays. The activities deemed unlawful (bear baiting and bowling) are considered "meaner" (meaning cruder and perhaps more barbaric) activities. Notably, interludes are included in this list, suggesting that these performances were too critical of the church or the government to count as lawful. Overall, the king is accommodating the desires of the people, up to a certain point.

After reading the Book of Sports by Charles 1, we glean insight into the religious issues that prevailed at that time. The Puritans and Precise people were critical of the recreation that prevailed at that time and that is why they disobeyed the resolution of the King in "Our Progresse" where he cautioned that they do not punish the people for engaging in recreation.

The Anglican church played a vital role in the lives of the English people because they worked closely with the king in dishing instructions on how the people will live their lives and conduct their affairs.

  • After writing his message to the people, the King said that the information will be communicated to the people through their diocese. This shows the vital role of the church in the lives of the people.

  • "And Our pleasure is, That this Our Declaration shall bee published by order from the Bishop of the Diocesse, through all the Parish Churches"

  • The Puritans had extreme views of recreation but through the Book of Sports, the King cautioned them not to disrupt the recreation of the people after Sunday service because that was the only time the people had to relax.

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