1. Republican Williams McKinley was the presidential candidate supported by __ who wanted to keep the gold standard

A) busnisees owners

B) small farme

C) farm cooperatives

D) union members

2. The populist Party campaigned for social reforms to help ___


B)railroad workers


D) McKinley get elected

3. Populists wanted to __ to increase the money supply to help struggling farmers.

A)create an income tax

B)implement an eight-hour workday

C)control shipping rates

D)use silver as well as gold

4.How did farm cooperatives help struggling farmers?

A) Farm cooperatives organizes lectures, sewing bees, and other events

B)Unhappy farmers joined with members of labor union to form the Populist Party

C) Farm cooperatives helped farmers pool their money to buy tools and supplies

D) Farm cooperatives got together to establish farmers alliance

5. Farmers were producing __ crops, which caused the price of grains to fall

A) a shortage of

B) a surplus of

C)low quality

D)high quality