
"I can think of no one Objection, that will possibly be raised against this Proposal, unless it should be urged, that the Number of People will be thereby much lessened in the Kingdom." (A Modest Proposal) The implicit meaning of the text is

Respuesta :

I think he means something along the lines of.

There should be no objection against the proposal unless the people of the kingdom rise against it.


The implicit meaning of the text is that there will be no objection to the proposal to eat babies to help control the population increase and help the Kingdom economically.


In the foreground, we can see that the text "A Modest Proposal" has a satyr character, in which Jonathan Swift addresses points on how to solve the problem of poverty in Ireland. According to the author, children born to poor families generate even more expenses for their parents and their kingdom, being the most appropriate solution for such a situation the slaughter of these children so that they serve as food for rich people. Thus, the implicit meaning of the text is that eating babies is such a good proposition to improve the kingdom's economy that no one will disagree.  Since these children would end up starving or sick, or could even enter the world of crime, by serving as "food" to landowners and merchants, they would no longer be a burden to their parents and kingdom, and would be beneficial to all.